Join us as we look back at 2023 and all of our favorite moments. We asked the team to share their most loved moments and goals for the new year.
What has been your favorite moment in 2023 at Off the Lane?
Jillian Schiralli: Oh it’s so hard to nail just one down because there were so many amazing moments! From all the amazing Collab productions I was able to witness as well as hearing mentors and mentees discuss their awesome journeys through the sessions this year, they were all my fave!
Jenna Craig: My favorite 2023 moment at OTL was watching the ColLab production of Dave Malloy’s Ghost Quartet! I The cast and direction was INCREDIBLE, I can’t imagine this show any other way. I’m still thinking about it months later.
Jillian Vitko: Always proud of the BOOST program! It was great to see the growth of our BOOSTers this round.

Kristal Mallookis: I can’t pinpoint one specific moment but my favorite thing about 2023 was watching the growth of our community!
Sophie Brubaker: My favorite moment from 2023 was learning that our production of Bad Jews had completely sold out!
Ayana Bey: One of my favorite moments of 2023 was the mentor cafe that was started by the mentorship program for mentors to commune with each other and get any advice they may need in relating to their mentees.
Vincenzo Hinckley: When Brandon and Wesley showed up to the graduation Zoom together! Small moments like those are what makes OTL so fulfilling.
Share a big goal you have for next year.

Kristal Mallookis: Keep on doing what we are doing! Growing the OTL community, keeping our hand on the pulse to what is needed, doing more events and special projects. On the business side I’m hoping to explore grants and expand our fundraising efforts.

Sophie Brubaker: My goal for next year with OTL is to attend a bunch more theatre networking events so that we can partner and get to know more of the indie arts organizations in the city.

Jillian Schiralli: A big goal I have for next year is to be a support system to the community in any way I can! I’ve been a new artist with no resources in NYC and I’ve created new work with no money, and I hope to support any young artists in creating all of their art or just lend an ear for brainstorming sessions!
Vincenzo Hinckley: Buy a house or begin the process!
Jenna Craig: My biggest goals for next year are to take better care of my mental health, make more plans with friends, and honestly, find a nice hair routine!
Jillian Vitko: I’m always working towards my goals, whether it’s a new year, new month, or new day!
Ayana Bey: A goal of mine is to incorporate more playfulness into my daily life
What is your favorite part of Off the Lane’s mission statement and why?
Our vision is that artists of all races, genders, and ethnicities have easy accessibility to the tools and resources that they need to improve their careers and achieve their goals.
We value inclusion, accessibility and creativity in the development and implementation of our educational programming and cultivating a community built on mutual trust and respect

Ayana Bey: My favorite part is the entire mission statement. It really is a statement that embodies what we do at Off The Lane and the people/artists that are behind it.

Vincenzo Hinckley: To enrich. Artists sometimes get so wrapped up in “the work” that they forget to live fully. It’s important to provide this avenue for them so they can breathe and not, to paraphrase Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), sacrifice their soul/health as the price of art.

Jillian Vitko: Community!! It’s so so important to have a community and Off The Lane is such a great place to find one

Jenna Craig: I love how Off The Lane operates as a community and support system for artists. I sometimes compare it to having a club on campus that you always take refuge in. Except the school is the arts industry and Off The Lane is that group of people that you can always count on.

Sophie Brubaker: That would have to be the “engage the creative community” bit. I think that we engage with our community more than most big organizations, and we make the extra effort to stay in touch with our people even after they’ve finished being in one of our programs.

Jillain Schiralli: The whole mission statement is my fave! Just supporting and providing resources to those artists that need it is so important. Now in our 3rd year, it’s so great to see the growth and new community forming.
Share your favorite community event from this year.

Jillian Schiralli: Fave community event has to be Hootenanny! I really felt the growth with Collab, the community and random people coming to see the show! I truly felt the love and amazing talent in the room. Go Sophie!
Jenna Craig: I’m just gonna rave about Ghost Quartet forever. It was so fun! I am a spooky season gal, so it was right up my alley
Jillian Vitko: It was a private BOOST event, but I have to say BOOST Banters!
Ayana Bey: My favorite event from this year was BOOST Banters.
It’s always a joy to bring together early career artists with those who are further along in their careers in order to gain insight and perspective.
Vincenzo Hinckley: Unfortunately I was not able to take part in any this year but #NextYearGoals. I hear Hootenany was a riot!
Kristal Mallookis: Impossible… I LOVE THEM ALL.

Sophie Brubaker: My favorite community event was our open mic night series!!!
We had everything from musical theatre to poetry to spoken word to original music to comedy to magic, and it was such a surprise and delight to see what folks would bring to the table.
Thank you all for a great year!
If you would like to support our mission, please consider donating!