Our vision is that artists of all identities and histories, whether that be race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, age, class, immigration status, or ability, have access to the resources and opportunities they need to enhance their careers, foster their dreams, and achieve their goals.
We value inclusion, accessibility, creativity, and challenge in the development and implementation of our programming. Off the Lane is passionate about cultivating a community built on mutual trust, respect, communication, and authentic human connection.
Continued Education.
Continued education goes back to the heart of why this organization began. Our Board and internal team know first hand how versatile training, education and networking can play directly into the success of one’s career. Between our BOOST Program, Mentorship Program, and School Partnership Program Off The Lane provides additional artistic resources, mentorship and career guidance to students, emerging professionals and mid career artists. Our goal as an origanization is for these programs and resources to be free and accessible to artists in NYC and beyond.
Community Events.
Creating community is at the heart of Off the Lane’s mission and programming. Off the Lane hosts regular, free, community events for artists to make new connections, foster existing relationships, and engage in artistic activities in a positive, supportive space. These events include open mic nights, play reading nights, artist meet-and-greet nights, audition classes, workshops, staged readings and more! Check out our upcoming events today!