When Co-Chairs Ayana Bey and Jillian Vitko were trying to come up with a way to explain the BOOST program, they settled on the term “career therapy.” BOOST is here to help artists figure out what they want and guide them to their goals. BOOST will meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be. Though Ayana and Jillian are not licensed therapists, the way they connect, encourage and challenge the artists they work with is truly inspiring.
In one-on-one sessions, Jillian and Ayana take a comprehensive look at each BOOSTer. Everything from career goals to lifestyle choices and mental health are discussed. This holistic approach to career guidance is what makes BOOST unique.

As an early career artist, it’s okay to feel like you don’t know where you’re going or what you’re doing. Every artist has been there, even seasoned ones. In a program like BOOST where artists help each other out, having that guidance can be instrumental in helping you make progress towards the life you want.
Anyone who wants a life in the arts and entertainment industry knows how hard it can be to get your foot in the door. It can be mentally taxing trying to navigate your artistic goals and your personal life, but it’s possible for both to work in harmony.
By talking with people who have experienced the ups and downs of the industry, BOOSTers find validation in their experiences and struggles. There is no one-size-fits all approach to having an arts career, said Jillian. From looking at your strengths and weaknesses, evaluating your lifestyle and experimenting with our interests, you will find what works best for you.

See what some of our BOOSTers have said about their experiences:
Want to know more about the BOOST process?
Check out Jillian and Ayana’s vlog, Co-Chairs In Chairs to get all your questions answered!